A Randomized Study to Determine the Sun Protection Factor of Natural Pterostilbene from Pterocarpus marsupium ...
Cosmetics 2020, 7(1), 16;In a second clinical study, on natural pterostilbene, published in the Journal “Cosmetics”, Sabinsa corporation demonstrated the effect of PteroWhite® as a natural SPF ingredient.
An Open-Label Single-Arm, Monocentric Study Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Natural Pterostilbene (Pterocarpus marsupium) for Skin Brightening and Antiaging Effects ...
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2020:13.A new clinical study published by Sabinsa, in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, demonstrates the anti -ageing and skin brightening effect of PteroWhite® (natural pterostilbene) in human volunteers
Efficacy of Centella asiatica extract in the management of cracked feet: in vitro and clinical evidence
World J Pharm Pharmaceutical Sci. 2016;5(12):983–94.Cracked heels, a common foot problem, are often referred to as heel fissures. It is generally characterized by yellowing of skin on the heel, callused, growth of hard skin, flaky patches, cracked and peeling skin ...
An open-label clinical study to evaluate the dermal safety and post-application effect of an oil control moisturizer
European J Biomed Pharmaceutical Sci. 2016;3(10):462–66.Oily skin (seborrhoea) is one of the most common cosmetic complaints during adulthood, which is caused due to excess skin oil (sebum). And it is an important factor that could result in the formation of acne, oily scalp and comedo...
Multi-functional Botanicals for Topical Applications
Part 4.1.5, Harry’s Cosmeticology (9th Edition), 2015; p. 675–78.Any damage or deterioration in the appearance or function of the skin due to chronic exposure to the sun (i.e. UV exposure) is termed as photo damage or photo aging, and is different from the natural aging process...
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, comparative study: The safety and efficacy of 0.25% tetrahydrocurcumin (tumeric) cream as depigment agent against 4% hydroquinone cream
Household and Personal Care TODAY. 2010;44–46.Agents that are used to ‘lighten’ or ‘whiten’ the skin are known as depigmenting agents/ whitening agents or skin tone lighteners. In cosmetics, such agents are found to be effective against localized hyperpigmentation, age spots and sun damage, and also help to impart a lighter skin tone...
Effects of Oral Administration of Ellagic Acid-rich Pomegranate Extract on Ultraviolet-induced Pigmentation in the Human Skin
J Nutr Sci Vitaminol. 2006;52:383–88.Longer exposure to UV light could lead to skin inflammation, DNA mutations and much more. More commonly, UVA and UVB radiation have long been suspected of producing harmful effects on skin, such as hyperpigmentation...