An Open-Label Single-Arm, Monocentric Study Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Natural Pterostilbene (Pterocarpus marsupium) for Skin Brightening and Antiaging Effects

Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2020:13
A new clinical study published by Sabinsa, in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, demonstrates the anti -ageing and skin brightening effect of PteroWhite® (natural pterostilbene) in human volunteers. The study was conducted as an open-label, single-arm, monocentric efficacy study in 38 healthy volunteers who applied a cream containing 0.4% pterostilbene for a period of 8 weeks . The dermatological assessment, together with instrumental and image analysis suggests that pterostilbene effectively improves skin brightness, elasticity, reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and improves skin texture as compared to baseline in the subjects studied.

A positive change was observed at all time points in skin hydration and elasticity in both male and female subjects with regular usage of the PteroWhite® cream. Significant improvement was observed in under-eye fine lines at all-time points and in wrinkles, frown lines, and crow’s feet area at the end of the study. Pterostilbene was able to improve the skin luminosity with continuous application. All the study subjects agreed that the test product makes their skin moisturized, brighter, younger, firmer, and make their skin look even toned. Further, no product-related skin irritation, intolerance, or adverse event recorded during the study. The study concluded that application of pterostilbene cream twice daily for 8 weeks was safe, and improved skin texture tone, and helps in keeping skin moisturized, supple and young. The study can be accessed at



Both intrinsic and environmental factors play a role in premature ageing of the skin. Natural extracts have been extensively used to reduce the signs of ageing in recent years. Pterostilbene is a natural analog of resveratrol with therapeutic properties against numerous diseases mainly due to its ability to reduce reactive oxygen species.

Study Design:

  • This was an open-label, single-arm, monocentric efficacy study
  • It was conducted for 8 weeks for each subject and included a total number of 4 visits, ie, Day1(baseline visit),Visit 2: Week2 (W2), Visit 3:Week4 (W4), Visit 4:Week8 (W8)
  • The objective of the study was to assess the efficacy of Natural Pterostilbene for skin brightening benefit as well as improvement in skin hydration in comparison to baseline, to evaluate the efficacy in imparting anti-aging attributes such as the reduction in fine lines, wrinkles & elasticity in comparison to baseline and Skin tolerance monitoring for product safety
  • Evaluation for the brightening benefit was carried out for 4 weeks and anti-aging attributes for 8 weeks by dermatological assessment, non-invasive instrument assessment, and imaging assessment
  • The upper inner arm (VB Volar Biceps) of the subjects was used as a control for the brightening assessments
  • Subjects were provided with the test products to apply one fingertip unit uniformly on complete face twice daily throughout the study (8 weeks)
  • They were instructed not to use additional sunscreen
  • There was no change in the subject’s other skincare regimen for the entire duration of the study which has no direct or indirect effect on our study outcome
  • The subjects were to carry their allotted test products to the study center on each visit

Results and Discussion:

  • Natural pterostilbene showed significant inhibition of melanogenesis in vitro
  • Pterostilbene cream (0.4%) was highly effective in reducing markers of aging and induces even skin tone
  • The product was effective in reducing wrinkles and fine lines, improved skin hydration elasticity and showed no adverse effects


Our results suggest that natural pterostilbene is a safe and effective ingredient for use in cosmetic preparation to reduce the markers of skin ageing and brighten the skin tone.

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