Efficacy of Centella asiatica extract in the management of cracked feet: in vitro and clinical evidence

World J Pharm Pharmaceutical Sci. 2016;5(12):983–94.
Cracked heels, a common foot problem, are often referred to as heel fissures. It is generally characterized by yellowing of skin on the heel, callused, growth of hard skin, flaky patches, cracked and peeling skin. Various factors like standing for longer duration, uncovered heels, diabetes (which facilitate dry skin formation) and certain skin conditions (e.g. psoriasis and eczema) are responsible for causing cracked heels. Under extreme conditions, cracked heels can be infection-prone, which may cause to cellulitis.

Herbal extracts like Centella asiatica have been traditionally known to play a critical role in the prevention and management of various health conditions, including wound healing. Several studies have also reported about its role in cell growth, collagen synthesis around wound sites, quicker epithelialisation and improving the tensile strength of newly formed skin around wounds and angiogenesis.



To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Centellin® CG foot care cream, a formulation containing 2% Centella asiatica leaf extract, in the management of cracked heels in healthy female volunteers.

Study Design:

  • In this 28-day, split-controlled study, 24 participants (age: 18–40 years) presenting cracks or fissures in feet (especially in the heel region), associated with dryness, pain and roughness of the sole were included
  • Out of 24 participants, 12 were asked to apply fingertip unit of the Centellin® CG foot care cream on their right feet, whereas remaining 12 on to their left feet twice daily, and the untreated foot of each subject served as a control
  • All subjects were followed-up on weekly basis (i.e. day 7, 14, 21 and 28), were provided with study medication and were instructed to wash their feet properly before applying the cream
  • During each visit, participants were assessed for primary efficacy endpoint (i.e. number of cracks, scaling, pain and laxity of skin) as well as secondary endpoint (i.e. short and long-term safety, assessed by the incidence of adverse events)
  • Additionally, on day 28, volunteers independently rated the overall improvement on the following scale: 1- No changes, 2- Average, 3- Good, 4- Excellent, 5- Extremely Excellent

Results and Discussion:

  • Only 22 out of 24 participants completed the study (two dropped out citing personal reasons)
  • No incidence of adverse events were reported during the entire study period
  • At the end of the study, a significant reduction in the number of cracks in treated foot was observed, while moisturization benefits were seen improved (Fig. 1A and 1B, respectively)
  • From the photographs taken after 28 days of the study, a significantly improved visual change in the treated foot was witnessed
  • Overall product rating by participants revealed that product was satisfactory and well accepted (Good: 54.5%; Excellent: 22.7%; Extremely Excellent: 9%) (Fig. 2)


Hence, it was concluded that Centellin® CG foot care cream can be effective in healing cracks and reducing the associated pain by virtue of its moisturizing, analgesic and collagen boosting properties.

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